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3/8/2012 10:56:16 pm

1) What is the "soft power" you talk about in the section about China?
2) Do think changes in media determine changes in culture, or changes in culture determine changes in media?

3/8/2012 11:20:41 pm

For the second question, I believe that it is changes in media that determines changes in culture in regards to when media switches "fads" the culture changes along with it but when it is culture that changes first without the influence of media, for example for survival, then culture would determine the change. For the first question, soft power is method that the government imploys in China with radio in order to allow private companies to have a stake in the radio and it is a more hands off method but the government still imposes controls.

3/8/2012 11:10:44 pm

Sorry, my last question got cut off.
3) You explained how the media of China is changing, but has the media of Iran made any progress to freer media?

3/8/2012 11:16:56 pm

Iran has made progress towards freer media with some of its newspapers and Internet being allowed to come from private sources, however the governmetn still imposes the strict standards that the media must adhere to in maintaining Islamic principles

4/4/2012 02:37:32 am

What brought this particular topic to your attention?
Why did you choose to Iran and China?

4/4/2012 05:29:39 am

What brought this topic to my attention is that we always talk about what media does influencing government, so I wanted ot look it from the other side.

I choose Iran and China because each of them have different political systems, one being theocratic and one being communist respectively, so I thought that each one of them would offer unique results to be found


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    January 2012

